How to configure nFactor authentication

The primary entity used for nFactor authentication is called alogin schema.

A login schema specifies an authentication schema XML file that defines the manner in which the login form will be rendered. Considering the interaction that the user must have when logging in to the application, you can create a single file for multiple factors or different files for different factors.View sample XML file.

  • Single file for multiple factors.User will be provided a single form in which to provide credentials for multiple authentication factors.

  • Different files for different factors.用户将会为每一个非盟提供了另一种形式thentication factor.

Next, you must associate the XML file(s) with login schema(s). You can also specify expressions to extract the user name and the password from the login form.


You can configure an authentication factor to be pass-through. This means that the user is not required to provide credentials explicitly and there is no login form for that factor. The credentials are either taken from the previous factor or the user name and/or password are dynamically extracted by using the username/password expressions that are configured for that login schema. You must set the login schema to “NOSCHEMA”, instead of an XML file.

Now that the login schemas are configured, you must specify the manner in which they must be invoked. A login schema can be invoked by using either a login schema policy or an authentication policy label. The decision depends on the following:

  • Login schema policy.
    • Specifies the condition on which the login form must be presented to the user.
    • Must be bound to an authentication virtual server.
    • In an authentication virtual server that has multiple login schema policies, the policy with the highest priority that evaluates to true is executed. That is, the login form associated with that policy is presented to the user.
    • The login schema policy is only used to present the first login form.
  • Authentication policy label.
    • Specifies a collection of authentication policies for a particular factor. Each policy label corresponds to a single factor.
    • 必须指定登录表单the user.
    • Must be bound as the next factor of an authentication policy or of another authentication policy label.
    • Typically, a policy label includes authentication policies for a specific authentication mechanism. However, you can also have a policy label that has authentication policies for different authentication mechanisms.

To summarize, the configurations you must perform to set up nFactor authentication are as follows:

  1. Create the authentication schema XML files.
  2. Associate each XML file with a login schema.
  3. Associate each login schema with a login schema policy or authentication policy label.
  4. Bind login schema policy to an authentication virtual server.
  5. Bind authentication policy label, as next factor, to an authentication policy.
How to configure nFactor authentication