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    ADC 13.x Nitro powershell how to list files filesystem directory

      Martin de Vries|0 |Members|1 post

      Hi, has someone figured out how to list directory content for e.g. /nsconfig/ssl/ with nitro and powershell? i somehow get only the first file name returned.

      and has someone a example (powershell) how in com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.system.systemfile the property filemode is used?


      file mode.
      Possible values = DIRECTORY

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      Jens Dellner|Aficionado|188 |Members|133 posts

      Good Morning Martin,
      the Nitro command to list the systemfiles always requires the argument filelocation.

      https:/// nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:<地址>

      You always start with the view of your Root (/) and its files and folders.

      List files and folders of your nsconfig folder (/nsconfig/):

      https:/// nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:nsconfig

      If you want to query subfolders or the root directory by itself, you cannot use the filelocation:/ oder filelocation:nsconfig/ssl. You need to encode special characters. Simply change / to %2F.

      List files and folders of your Root (/):

      https:/// nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:2%F

      List files and folders of your ssl folder (/nsconfig/ssl):

      https:/// nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:nsconfig%2Fssl

      So how do you use it with powershell?
      1. Create a NITRO Session (Replace Username, Password, ):

      $body = ConvertTo-JSON @{"login"=@{"username"="Username";"password"="Password"}} Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https:/// nitro/v1/config/login" -body $body -SessionVariable NSSession -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/vnd.com.citrix.netscaler.login+json"} -Method POST $Script:NSSession = $local:NSSession

      2a. List files and folders of nsconfig folder (/nsconfig/):

      Invoke-RestMethod uri“https:/// nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:nsconfig" -WebSession $NSSession -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/vnd.com.citrix.netscaler.systemfile+json"} -Method GET


      2b. List files and folders of nsconfig folder (/nsconfig/) more readable:

      (Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https:/// nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:nsconfig" -WebSession $NSSession -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/vnd.com.citrix.netscaler.systemfile+json"} -Method GET).systemfile


      2c. List only folders of nsconfig folder (/nsconfig/) more readable:

      (Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https:/// nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:nsconfig" -WebSession $NSSession -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/vnd.com.citrix.netscaler.systemfile+json"} -Method GET).systemfile | Where-Object {$_.filemode -EQ {DIRECTORY}}


      3. Quit a NITRO Session:

      $body = ConvertTo-JSON @{"logout"=@{}} Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https:/// nitro/v1/config/logout" -body $body -WebSession $NSSession -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/vnd.com.citrix.netscaler.logout+json"} -Method POST

      I know your discussion post is a little bit older, but maybe you haven´t found a solution yet or it helps others in the future.

      P.s.: I don´t think that you can use the value "filemode" in any other way. The possible value "Directory" is only an additional value for folders and not files.

      Best regards,


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      Marek Jones|0 |Members|1 post

      Hello all,

      do you know please if it's possible to get the list of files and folders by Invoke-WebRequest ? [I proxy my request through ADM Service]

      The goal is to download whole folder from a netscaler and save it locally.

      With an only one file it works [/config/systemfile/ns.log?args=filelocation:%2fvar%2Flog], but not with a folder.

      $strURI = https://adm.cloud.com/massvc/xxx/nitro/v1/config/systemfile/?args=filelocation:%2Fvar%2Flog%2F
      $headers = @{
      Authorization = "CwsAuth bearer=$($token.access_token)"
      isCloud = 'true'

      Invoke-WebRequest-UseBasicParsing $strURI -Headers $headers -Method GET

      I am getting only one file from the folder /var/log/

      I tried different folder and I am getting only one folder but not file(s).

      Thank you


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